La cérémonie de remise des diplômes 2024 de l'Université de communication de Chine s'est déroulée en grande pompe

(Reporter Shang Xinying, Photographer Shen Haowen, Wang Yunqi, etc.) The years are passing by, the summer begins, and another graduation season is here as promised.On the morning of June 29, the 2024 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Communication University of China was grandly held at the Student Activity Center.Deputy Party Secretary and President Zhang Shuting, Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Lin Haibo, Party Standing Committee m

Les années passent, l'été commence et une nouvelle saison de remise des diplômes est là comme promis.

Le 29 juin au matin, cérémonie de remise des diplômes et de remise des diplômes de Communication 2024

 L'Université de Chine s'est tenue en grande pompe au Centre d'activités étudiantes.

Le secrétaire adjoint du Parti et président Zhang Shuting, le secrétaire adjoint du Parti et secrétaire de la Commission de contrôle de la discipline Lin Haibo, les membres et vice-présidents du Comité permanent du Parti Liu Shouxun, Li Xinjun, Wang Hui, Yang Yi, Chai Jianping, les membres du Comité permanent du Parti et le Département de l'organisation Le directeur Xu Hongmei, le directeur du département du Front uni Zhang Shaohua, l'assistant du président Jin Wei et les membres du comité d'évaluation des diplômes de l'université, ainsi que plus de 5 000 diplômés, se sont réunis pour assister à cette cérémonie de remise des diplômes. La cérémonie a été présidée par le secrétaire adjoint du Parti. Li Zhong.

Des artistes de diverses disciplines et des représentants des diplômés ont présenté la chanson et la danse d'ouverture « Branches et feuilles luxuriantes », créées conjointement par les enseignants et les étudiants de notre École de musique et d'arts d'enregistrement.

À 8h30, la cérémonie de remise des diplômes a officiellement commencé, tout le monde se levant et chantant l'hymne national.

Le secrétaire du Parti Liao Xiangzhong n'a pas pu assister à la cérémonie parce qu'il étudiait à l'école du Parti, il a donc écrit un message de remise des diplômes pour les étudiants avec une profonde affection.

Chers étudiants,

Quand l’intelligence artificielle balaie le monde avec une force tonitruante,

Vous êtes diplômé !

L'ère des grands changements est comme un rêve !

Les grands changements que l’IA apporte à la société humaine dépassent peut-être votre cognition et votre imagination !

A ce moment, tu pars de l'endroit où est allumée la lampe cœur,

Face aux énormes vagues, courant vers le loin.

N'oubliez pas :

Vous êtes là pour l'avenir !

La grande époque qui vous appartient est arrivée !

J'espère que les étudiants auront l'ambition de servir le pays à travers les médias,

Suivez vos rêves de tout votre cœur et osez la compétition !

Chantez sur les vagues et faites avancer la lumière !

J'espère que les étudiants

Soyez affectueux, juste et fondé sur des principes,

Travaillez de manière colorée et efficace,

Vivez de manière intéressante et avec goût !

Allez poursuivre, embrasser et goûter les neuf a la vie.

Après plusieurs années, les étudiants

Peut-être ressentir le flou et la beauté de Lushan Misty Rain,

Appréciez peut-être la marée montante et héroïque du Zhejiang.

Peu importe le genre de scène humaine que vous vivez,

J'espère que tout le monde pourra vraiment comprendre

la merveilleuse signification et la sagesse de Lushan Misty Rain et Zhejiang Tide !

Travaillez dur et vivez heureux !

Soyez à la hauteur de cette vie et de son époque !

Camarades de classe, l'avenir vous appartient, bonne remise des diplômes !

Sois béni!

Li Xinjun read out the Resolution on Graduation Qualification and Degree Awarding for the Class of 2024 Undergraduate Graduates.

Liu Shouxun read out the Resolution on Graduation Qualification and Degree Awarding for Master's and Doctoral Degrees for the Class of 2024.

Fan Zichen, a 2024 graduate of the Advertising School who was awarded the title of Most Beautiful Family in China, took the stage with his father Fan Zhigang and mother Song Huifang. Song Huifang spoke as a parent representative, sharing her son's growth and changes in the four years of college, thanking the school for its education and training, and wishing the graduates to be strong and make continuous progress in their future lives.

Zhao Xinli, dean of the School of Advertising, spoke as a representative of the faculty. He shared his own experience in studying and researching, and told the students not to set limits for themselves, to downplay their majors, strengthen their abilities, maintain perseverance and passion, use a broad vision to achieve great things, and become cross-disciplinary and integrated compound talents.

Zhang Yang, a 2007 journalism graduate, Xinhua News Agency reporter, and winner of the first prize of the China News Award, spoke as an alumni representative. By reviewing her own learning and working experience, she encouraged the students to keep up with the pace of the fast-paced era, cherish every slow motion, and pursue their own meaning and value. She was grateful to her alma mater for teaching her the courage to embrace change and the confidence to cross the times, and wished the graduates a bright future.

Lin Haibo read out the commendation decision for our school’s 2024 “Outstanding Graduates of Colleges and Universities in Beijing”, “Outstanding Graduates at the School Level”, “Three Good Students” and “Outstanding Student Leaders”.

Twelve Olympic torches that had participated in the relay were displayed at the ceremony.

Graduates Tang Qinhan, Li Yujia and Geng Peihao, who had participated in volunteer service for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, spoke as representatives of the graduates. They reviewed their respective experiences in volunteer service for the Olympic Games, shared their gains and experiences in the process, and jointly called on students to cherish their dreams and become media professionals with an international perspective who are moral, dedicated, knowledgeable, and competitive, promote morality, and apply knowledge to the world.

Since the first participation in the Olympic Games broadcasting in the 1980s, Communication University of China has never been absent from the Olympic front line for more than 40 years, and has made special contributions to the dissemination of the Olympic spirit in China and the world. Among this year's graduates, nearly 300 people participated in the volunteer service of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Their selfless dedication and outstanding performance have won wide acclaim from the international community.

Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, also sent his blessings to the graduates of Communication University of China through a video. In his speech, President Bach said that the graduates of Communication University of China have not only achieved excellent academic results, but also demonstrated outstanding volunteer service capabilities and team spirit in international sports events. Everyone's dedication and hard work have made important contributions to the successful hosting of the Olympic Games. President Bach praised Communication University of China as a famous university known for its academic excellence and communication field, and played an important role in the dissemination and promotion of the international Olympic movement. He also encouraged graduates of Communication University of China to follow the example of outstanding alumni and spread the Olympic spirit of faster, higher, stronger and more united. Finally, President Bach expressed his best wishes for the 70th anniversary of Communication University of China.

Amidst warm applause, Zhang Shuting delivered a speech entitled Be Your Confident Self and Reach Infinite Possibilities in Life, sending his best wishes to all graduates and expressing his gratitude to the hard-working faculty and staff, parents, alumni and people from all walks of life who care about and support the development of the school. He encouraged the graduates to be confident media professionals, to determine their direction with a sense of mission, to embrace challenges with creativity, to realize their ideals with action, to face ups and downs with composure, to walk their own Long March and reach infinite possibilities in life.

Zhang Shuting thanked President Bach for his high recognition of the school's contribution to the international Olympic cause and his good wishes for the school, and encouraged the graduates to continue to carry forward the Olympic spirit and show the world the confident demeanor of Chinese youth in the new era.

Zhang Shuting reviewed the growth process of this year's graduates. He said that the students worked hard, cherished the spring, faced the rising sun, and grew vigorously, leaving a unique mark in the history of the school and writing their own youth stories.

The direction of the gears of personal destiny is always embedded in the direction of the surging tide of the times. Zhang Shuting emphasized that there is no standard answer to the questions of the times. Everyone can write a unique and wonderful answer through their own efforts. Be confident and reach the infinite possibilities of life. The premise of self-confidence is belief. Students should believe that the four confidences give everyone the most solid confidence in life; believe that all the efforts and gains in CCUT give everyone the hard-core strength of confidence; believe that artificial intelligence brings infinite possibilities to the media ecology and builds a broad stage for everyone's life.

Zhang Shuting expressed four expectations to the graduates. First, they should have a firm sense of mission of I wish to serve the country for the rest of my life, always have the country in my heart and the world in my eyes, tell China's stories well and spread China's voice well; second, they should maintain the innovative spirit of the ingenuity of nature and the constant innovation of man, dare to think and act, dare to take risks and try, actively expand the boundaries of their careers, climb higher to their ideals and go further in life; third, they should persist in the action of never return until Loulan is conquered, improve sustainable competitiveness with persistent action, confidently embrace the future and meet challenges; fourth, they should cultivate a calm mind of better than strolling in a garden, not afraid of wind and rain, and not afraid to move forward.

Zhang Shuting fondly recalled the development of the school from the Central Broadcasting Bureau Technical Personnel Training Class to the current Double First-Class University. Generations of CCUT people are loyal, confident, tolerant, and competitive. They have always walked in the same direction with the Party and the country, and have written a chapter of CCUT that is worthy of the motherland, the people, and the times. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the school. We welcome graduates to return home as alumni in September.

Don't worry about the thousands of miles, there will be a breeze. Zhang Shuting encouraged students to be ideal and responsible activists, be confident, and touch the infinite possibilities of life on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

L'académicien de l'Académie chinoise d'ingénierie Ding Wenhua, l'astronaute chinois Liu Yang, l'animateur de CCTV Kang Hui, le vice-président de l'Association des réalisateurs de séries télévisées de Chine Yang Yang et le membre du Comité de la culture et du patrimoine olympique du Comité international olympique Hou Kun, ainsi que d'autres personnalités exceptionnelles. Des personnes et des anciens élèves de tous horizons ont envoyé leurs vœux d'obtention du diplôme aux diplômés, les encourageant à mettre pleinement en valeur leurs caractéristiques professionnelles, à bien raconter l'histoire de la Chine et à apporter davantage de contributions au développement de l'industrie mondiale des médias.

A la fin de la cérémonie, l'ambiance a atteint son paroxysme avec le medley de la chanson To Youth et le chant commun de la chanson de l'école Il y a une rangée de jeunes peupliers sur le campus.

Zhang Shuting et d'autres membres du comité d'évaluation des diplômes de l'école ont présenté des certificats aux représentants des diplômés ayant obtenu un doctorat, une maîtrise et une licence.

La planification, la conception, la réalisation, le tournage, la diffusion en direct et la promotion de cette cérémonie de remise des diplômes ont tous été entrepris par les enseignants et les étudiants, ce qui reflète le professionnalisme de nos enseignants et de nos étudiants dans le domaine de l'intégration des médias et est le résultat des multiples efforts de l'école. Les professeurs de l'École d'art dramatique et de cinéma ont amené les étudiants de la filière photographie à capturer les moments précieux de la remise du diplôme à chaque diplômé.

La cérémonie de remise des diplômes a été retransmise en direct sur plus de 30 plateformes, dont Xuexi Qiangguo, Weiyan Education, People's Daily Client, People's Video, Xinhua News Agency New Media Matrix, Xinhuanet, CCTV Video,, China Daily New Media Matrix, China Youth. Daily, Beijing Daily, Beijing News, Beijing Time, Sichuan Observer, Shandong Radio and Television New Media Platform, Guizhou Radio and Television New Media Platform, WeChat Video Account, Sina Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, Baidu Baijiahao, iQiyi, Sohu Video, le APP et site Web de CUC.

Journaliste : Shang Xinying

Photographes : Shen Haowen, Wang Yunqi, etc.